Emotional Well-Being Mentorship

Up Your Emotional Processing Game

- With mY 1-on-1 Monthly Mentorship Program -

Do you often feel lost in your emotions, like you’ve been flipped upside down and lack the emotional resilience and direction to flip yourself up? Do you find yourself wishing you had someone who could hold space for you and give you the tools you need to spring back from periods of emotional overwhelm and distress?

That’s why Kathryn created this opportunity for you to work with her twice a month with 2- 60 minute bi-weekly sessions to talk about what you are moving through. She’ll provide support, guidance and resources you need to strengthen your emotional resilience, allowing you to balance back from the whirlwind of emotions and stress faster than you ever have before!

You’re probably wondering, “why do I need an emotional well-being mentor?” Well, have you ever felt bogged down by your emotions leading you to a case of emotional paralysis, afraid to act? Imagine, if you had someone you could turn to in those times. Someone to give you tools, techniques, and resources to regulate your nervous system. How supportive would that be? That’s where I come in.

Plus, she’s hilarious and quick witted. Kathryn believes that it is important to infuse humor into the healing and self-development journey. Otherwise, it can feel daunting and overwhelming. Facing your emotions and triggers is already difficult as it is, we don’t need to make it more serious than it needs to be. This serious and heavy work is allowed to be fun!

If you’ve been looking for compassionate support as you dig deep into your emotions and have a guaranteed laugh or two or five, while doing the good work, you found it! Your future emotionally balanced self will thank you!

Monthly Investment: $300

Cancel at anytime.

Emotional Well-Being Private Coaching

Immunity Shot: 1-on-1 Session

Are you looking for a quick emotional boost or pep talk? Maybe you’re looking for a little extra emotional guidance or support moving through some turbulent emotions. This stand alone session is meant to power you with some clarity and direction as you navigate through the emotional turbulence.

In this 60-minute session, you’ll be greeted with unmet compassion in a judgement free space. Kathryn is here to listen to whats weighing on your heart and mind. Together, you’ll chart out your emotional growth map, starting with where you are now to where you want to be. You will acknowledge your old beliefs and behaviors, create new beliefs and behaviors, and find evidence in your current life that the emotional growth you want to see is already happening!

Kathryn caters to you and your emotional goals. She believes that we are all individuals and deserve to be treated that (not like cookie cutters). She provides support in a way that is genuine and empowering for you.

Investment: $200

Pay in full upon booking.

Emotional Well-Being Coaching

1-on-1 Session Packages

- Options of 3, 6, and 9 Private 1-on-1 Sessions -

60 Minute sessions with unlimited Messaging Support

Learning to balance your emotions takes practice, effort and consistency over time. Sometimes more that one session is needed to see the results that you are striving for. Kathryn offers 3 session, 6 session and 9 session packages.

These packages are for those with a clear goal (even if it seems unattainable or the “how” to get there hasn’t been revealed. - That’s where I come in.) These are also great for those working through a specific station such as a relationship ending, heartbreak, grief, making massive shifts in your daily life habits, working through old patterns and beliefs, and making career shifts or transitions.

You will get guidance on how to move towards your goal, techniques and exercises to put into practice and add to your emotional wellness tool belt, gain language to speak to your emotions, and support with unlimited messaging for when questions arise.

The Green Juice (3 Sessions): Access where are you with your emotional well-being and where you want to go with it. Then, create a plan to bridge the two, factoring in your current relationship with your self and your emotions. How you think and feel about yourself and your emotions, affects how you view the world outside of you. The best way to change the outside is to tackle the inside and dust off those emotional cobwebs.

Investment: $500

The Power C Energy Boost Smoothie (6 Sessions): Navigate inner-workings of your emotional intelligence and well-being. Look for repeating patterns and out-dated beliefs. Together we will determine what changes can be made to support you in achieving your emotional goals. Kathryn will provide you with techniques to create new patterns, allowing you to consciously choose to act differently and regulate your nervous system in a healthy way.

Investment: $950

Payment plans available upon request.

The Protein Packed Acai Bowl (9 Sessions): Dive deep into your current emotional well-being, factoring in your daily routine from your morning rituals to bedtime rituals and everything between. Access your emotional goals and how you would like your daily routine to look and feel! Kathryn will help you identify the beliefs and patterns that are standing in your way. Then, she’ll support you in charting the course to transform your thoughts, instill new patterns, and create a daily routine that nourishes your emotional well-being. Implementing small habits, creates big changes!

Investment: $1350

Payment plans available upon request.

*All plans are created with you, the individual person, in mind. Each plan is unique to the individual person, no two people will receive the exact same plan. All plans are made custom to fit the unique individual and their goals.